How do I create stock collections for WinRT collection interfaces?

Beyond implementing COM interfaces yourself, the windows crate provides stock collection implementations for common WinRT collection interfaces. Implementing WinRT collection interfaces can be quite challenging, so this should save you a lot of effort in many cases. The implement feature is required to make use of these stock implementations.

Let's consider a few examples. The WinRT collection interfaces are all defined in the Foundation::Collections module, so we'll start by adding a dependency on the windows crate and include the Foundation_Collections feature:

version = "0.52"
features = [

Creating a collection is as simple as using the TryFrom trait on existing Vec or BTreeMap, depending on the kind of collection:

WinRT interfaceFrom
IMapView<K, V>BTreeMap<K::Default, V::Default>

So if you need a IIterable implementation of i32 values you can create it as follows:

use windows::{core::*, Foundation::Collections::*};

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let collection = IIterable::<i32>::try_from(vec![1, 2, 3])?;

    for n in collection {


The resulting collection will implement all of the specialized IIterable<i32> methods.

Did you notice the T::Default in the table above? The challenge is that when the WinRT collection contains nullable types, unlike i32, then the collection must necessarily support a backing implementation that support expressing this. The Default associated type just replaces T with Option<T> for such nullable, or reference, types.

Let's consider a slightly more contrived example. Here we'll create an IMapView with strings for keys and interfaces for values. WinRT strings are not nullable but interfaces are. WinRT strings are represented by HSTRING in the windows crate and for the interface we'll just use an IStringable implementation:

fn main() {
use windows::Foundation::*;

struct Value(&'static str);

impl IStringable_Impl for Value {
    fn ToString(&self) -> Result<HSTRING> {

We can now create a std collection as follows:

fn main() {
use std::collections::*;

let map = BTreeMap::from([
    ("hello".into(), Some(Value("HELLO").into())),
    ("hello".into(), Some(Value("WORLD").into())),

The Rust compiler naturally infers the exact type: BTreeMap<HSTRING, Option<IStringable>>.

Finally, we can wrap that BTreeMap inside a WinRT collection with the TryInto trait as follows:

fn main() {
let map: IMapView<HSTRING, IStringable> = map.try_into()?;

for pair in map {
    println!("{} - {}", pair.Key()?, pair.Value()?.ToString()?);